As a business owner, you have likely thought about the future of your enterprise. Whether you hope to keep it within your family or sell it to secure a financial future, your choices today will shape its tomorrow. Without a comprehensive estate plan, your business...
Millville Legal Issues Blog
Probate-proof your family home: Tips for NJ homeowners
As a homeowner who has poured your heart and soul into your family home, you might want it to pass down to your children or loved ones as a lasting legacy. But have you taken the time to ensure this? If you own real estate in New Jersey, understanding how you can...
Is your mind sound enough to create a will?
You might think estate planning is all about deciding who gets what. However, a crucial factor often goes overlooked: testamentary capacity. This legal term refers to your mental ability to create a valid will. Understanding its importance and how it could affect your...
Is a revocable trust right for you?
Have you ever wondered how best to manage your assets and protect your legacy? A revocable trust might be the answer you are looking for. This powerful estate planning tool offers flexibility and control while potentially simplifying the transfer of your assets to...
Common reasons wills are challenged in New Jersey
When you write a will as part of your estate plan, you want to ensure the terms are legally valid and strong enough to withstand any challenges. A family member or loved one challenging the terms of a will often causes unnecessary grief and stress for the whole...
What is an expungement in New Jersey?
Everyone makes mistakes, and some past actions can affect future opportunities. Luckily, New Jersey allows some people to expunge their records. This can help those wanting a new life and a clean slate get a fresh start. Expungement is especially important today, when...
Ways boilerplate contracts may hurt your business
Every business, large or small, relies on contracts to establish clear expectations and obligations. In the rush to get deals done, it can be easy to overlook the fine print and assume that a boilerplate contract will suffice. But the truth is, these generic...
3 estate planning moves to safeguard your NJ home
For most people, their family home is one of their most valuable assets. It is not just a financial investment; it is a treasure trove of memories and a legacy for future generations. Without proper planning, this cherished asset faces significant risks. In New...
The eviction process for New Jersey landlords
Owning and renting properties can be a lucrative primary or side business, but being a landlord comes with its challenges, particularly troublesome tenants. Perhaps you purchased a piece of real estate with the intention of renting it out to make some extra income but...
The importance of beneficiary designations in estate planning
When you think about estate planning, your mind might immediately jump to wills and trusts. However, there is another crucial element that you should pay attention to - beneficiary designations. These could significantly impact the distribution of your assets after...