Insurance companies rarely make their best settlement offer after a New Jersey car accident. Thus, it is in one's best interest to view the first offer that they receive from an insurance company as exactly that. An accident victim does not have to accept the opening...
Why rural roads are more of a safety threat to drivers
New Jersey drivers may not be aware of this, but rural roads are more dangerous than urban roads. There are several reasons for this, starting with the fact that most drivers are not as familiar with traveling rural roads. They may have a false idea of what it...
Living wills in the state of New Jersey
Some people who are creating an estate plan might want a living will as part of it. A living will outlines a person's wishes for health care, including end-of-life care, in the event of incapacity. Laws regarding living wills differ from state to state, and in New...
Steps to creating an estate plan
Some people in New Jersey may have postponed creating an estate plan because they think only wealthy individuals need to make an estate plan or because they are concerned about the complexity of the process. However, an estate plan is important to ensure that an...
The landmark case that created the Miranda warning
When criminal suspects are taken into custody in New Jersey and around the country, police officers are required to inform them that they have a right to remain silent and speak with an attorney. They are also told that an attorney will be provided for them if they...
Why slow drivers can be dangerous
During their commutes, New Jersey drivers may find themselves stuck behind a slow driver in the left-hand freeway lane. It bears repeating that slow drivers can be dangerous not just because they impede traffic but also because they can cause other drivers to become...
How to buy homes while they are in probate
Investors in New Jersey and throughout the country may be able to find good deals on homes that are involved in probate proceedings. After a home has been transferred to a beneficiary, that person may want to sell the property. It isn't uncommon to purchase a probate...