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Get help if you plan to make a personal injury claim

On Behalf of | Oct 15, 2019 | Personal Injury

Any time an accident happens, a victim can face a precarious financial situation. They may have to spend money on medical care, may miss work and have other losses as a result of another driver’s negligent actions.

When that’s the case, a victim has a right to examine their legal options, including pursing compensation from the person responsible for their injuries.

How can you make your personal injury claim?

If you have been hurt, you need to start collecting evidence to support your personal injury claim. To start with, you should collect information such as:

  • The police report
  • Medical exam records
  • Medical bills
  • Photographs, videos or other images of your injuries
  • Witness information
  • The dates and times of hospital visits or doctor’s office visits

If you plan to file a lawsuit, it’s smart to reach out to an attorney as soon as you can. Your attorney will start putting together the case and file it with the local court. Acting quickly helps increase the likelihood of resolving the claim faster, since there will be less time between the date of the accident and payout. It also helps prevent you from missing the statute of limitations, which would limit your ability to make a valid personal injury claim.

Our website has more information on personal injury claims and the information that you should collect if you want to file a claim against another party. With the right help, documentation and knowledge, you will be able to file you claim in a timely manner and have the best likelihood of a positive outcome.


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