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Do you need an attorney to create a will?

On Behalf of | May 30, 2017 | Uncategorized

The easiest aspect of estate planning is creating a will, and the law does not require you to draft it with legal assistance in order for it to be valid. This begs the question: do you really need to hire an attorney to make your will?

You may think doing it yourself will save you time and money, but in the long run, it will not. Mistakes can lead to delays and additional fees. Your best bet is to have an estate planning lawyer help you for the following reasons.

  1. Make sure your will is thorough. A good attorney will get to know the details of your financial and familial circumstances to ensure your will includes everything it needs to. Including all details will reduce the likelihood of any disputes.
  2. Ensure your will is valid in court. If you do not create your will correctly, it will not hold up in court, and then the state of New Jersey will have the ultimate say in what happens to your estate. An attorney will guide you through the process to prevent you from making any mistakes, such as not having two witnesses sign the document or having an oral will.
  3. Go through the probate process. A lawyer is most suited to probate your will. Using the same attorney from the very beginning also means the person will be familiar with your wishes and know how you want your estate administered.
  4. Take care of litigation. In the event any family members dispute your will, your lawyer can handle it to protect your wishes. Your will need not be a source of contention during the already difficult time of your passing.

There is no time too soon or too late for you to draft a will. Speak to a New Jersey attorney to get started and to receive the benefits of having legal guidance in your estate planning.


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