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3 tips for first-time homebuyers

On Behalf of | Sep 4, 2017 | Uncategorized

Buying a home may seem too daunting. You might feel tempted to continue to rent or simply buy the first house you see within your price range. While there are certainly challenges, it does not have to be quite that scary. You just need to ask the right questions, follow smart tips and get the right help. 

The homebuying process can feel chaotic with offers and counter-offers. But if you prepare for the paperwork and some stress, you can make it through with your sanity intact. Here are some top things you should consider as you pursue your dream of buying a home

1. Find a good home

Do not make the mistake of using one method of finding a home or putting all your hope on the first property you find. Take advantage of all your options, such as online listings, looking for for-sale signs in neighborhoods or using a real estate agent. You may even ask your family, friends or co-workers about any homes on the market. 

2. Get an inspection

Even if you walk through a home multiple times and it seems flawless, you should still hire a trained professional to inspect it. There is no substitute for a proper inspection for the safety of a home. An inspection might reveal serious problems that the seller did not inform you about. According to USA Today, not all home inspections are equal, so make sure you know what the inspector tests for before you assume everything is perfect.

3. Negotiate

There is always some wriggle room during the homebuying process. Negotiating like a pro can result in serious savings. Are there significant repairs you can convince the seller to cover? Can the seller pay any closing costs? A real estate agent or attorney can help you negotiate effectively. 

Remember that it is important to learn as much as you can about the homebuying process before you jump right in. This will help reduce your stress and help you get the home you want. 


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