Your criminal defense attorney has many jobs. While you know that your attorney needs to defend you, the reality is that your attorney does much more than that. Your attorney will teach you how to act in court, help you dress appropriately and even teach you the best ways to react to questions about your case.
To start with, defense attorneys need to understand your case very well. When you speak with your attorney, be clear about what happened. Don’t be shy about giving all the details you can. Your attorney needs to know everything that happened to create the best defense. The truth is absolutely necessary, so don’t hide anything.
Remember that anything you say to your attorney is confidential. This will not become evidence against you. Speaking the truth with your attorney can actually protect you in the long term since your attorney will know what kinds of questions the prosecution may ask if you go to trial.
Your attorney has the responsibility of checking the facts of your case against the facts that the prosecution has. Your attorney will look into the evidence that the prosecution does or does not have and will make sure that your rights have not been violated during any portion of the arrest, investigation or trial.
Some people take plea deals that are offered to them. Don’t think that this is something that you have to take. Your attorney will talk to you about your options if and when a plea deal is made and whether it’s a good idea for you.