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Noted politician accused of drunk driving

On Behalf of | Mar 9, 2021 | Criminal Defense

Police are investigating the actions of a New Jersey State Senator after she was involved in a non-injury accident with two parked cars.

According to the woman’s statement, she was attempting a turn and accidentally turned into a snowbank. In fact, the police sketch showed the politician’s vehicle pushed one parked car slightly and also struck the car in front of it.

The Senator herself was not seriously injured, and a friend and fellow politician gave her a ride from the scene. There were no other reports of injuries to anyone in or around the accident scene.

There was an indication that the woman was under investigation for a possible DUI charge, but her friend said he thought that the woman had suffered a particularly serious reaction to her own medications.

The results of a test are pending, and the police who investigated this incident have not given an official statement.

Drunk driving charges can wreck a person’s professional life

Right now, this woman has to live with the fact that she could be facing a license suspension, fines and other fees and even the possibility of jail time.

Moreover, the conviction may affect her ability to continue working, although it is of course too early to tell how exactly this incident will impact her political future.

The story of the professional lady who may have been accused of drunk driving unfoundedly  serves as a good opportunity to remind New Jersey residents who hold professional licenses that even a single drunk driving charge could impact those licenses.

For example, licensed attorneys in New Jersey can face professional penalties if they are convicted of the crime of drunk driving. Other professions may apply similar rules to those in their number who are accused of drugged driving or drunk driving.

Anyone who is charged with a DUI should evaluate his or her legal options carefully. However, those who have a professional license or other risk some loss of standing in their careers in particular should consider seeking professional legal help even for a first-time DUI.



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