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The importance of beneficiary designations in estate planning

On Behalf of | Oct 1, 2024 | Estate Planning

When you think about estate planning, your mind might immediately jump to wills and trusts. However, there is another crucial element that you should pay attention to – beneficiary designations. These could significantly impact the distribution of your assets after you pass.

Why beneficiary designations matter

Beneficiary designations are instructions you provide to financial institutions. They indicate who should receive specific assets upon your death. These designations typically apply to the following:

  • Retirement accounts
  • Life insurance policies
  • Certain bank accounts

What makes them so important is that they could supersede the instructions in your will. This means that even if your will states otherwise, the person named beneficiary on these accounts will receive the assets.

Beneficiary designations could also help your heirs avoid probate, a time-consuming and potentially costly process. The court may directly transfer assets with adequately designated beneficiaries to the named individuals. This allows them to bypass probate entirely. This could result in a quicker and more efficient distribution of your estate.

Keeping your designations up to date

Life changes, and so should your beneficiary designations. Major life events should prompt you to review and update your designations. These events may include marriage, divorce, birth of children or the death of a previously named beneficiary.

Failure to do so could result in unintended consequences. This could include an ex-spouse receiving your retirement account or naming a deceased relative as a beneficiary.

You may also want to review your beneficiary designations annually. This may be beneficial, even if you have not experienced significant life changes. This ensures the accurate reflection of your wishes and that your estate plan remains aligned with your current intentions.

Beneficiary designations are a powerful tool in your estate planning arsenal. It could ensure the distribution of your assets according to your wishes. It could save your heirs time and money, and provide all parties involved with peace of mind.

Consider seeking legal advice when reviewing your beneficiary designations. An attorney could help you understand the process and your options.


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